We are currently filling this page with more case studies. Please check back in a few days to find more.

ProPotsdam: Lebendige Bauten, film projection

A multimedia exhibition about the history of Potsdams cultural quarter 'Schiffbauergasse'
Haus der Kulturen der Welt: Russian cosmism title banner © Qrfld 2022

Expansive typography for an exhibition on Russian Cosmism
ProPotsdam: Wir machen Stadt, Werkschau

An interactive exhibition on 20 years of city development
Hamburger Kunsthalle: Weiter Offen

A campain communicates that the museum remains open during partial renovation, using a German double entendre...

Concept and event design for the opening of a new track field
Exhibition design Hamburger Kunsthalle Transparent Museum

An interactive exhibition offers insights into the museum's work behind the scenes.
Platz der Einheit Potsdam: What's missing? Gallery of ideas

Potsdams central greenspace 'Platz der Einheit' is hardly used. We are asking the people of the city: What's missing here?
Kompetenzzentrum Infowand

Logo, infographics, signage system and interactive info-wall
Impossible: Instant Film Packaging

Instant film packaging with clear information and room for variation
MoMA Belong to something

A highly adaptive campaign coverts museum visitors to members
MoMA German Expressionism exhibition graphics

A surprisingly simple solution for a long exhibition title
MoMA Performance Exhibition Series flyer

Leporello and titel wall for a performance exhibition series
MoMA Film Marquee

High visibility on a small budget for the MoMA film theaters

Ein Erscheinungsbild für das gemeinsame Filmfestival des Lincoln Center und MoMA
Kieran McKenna Salon

An identiy with precision and swing for an upscale New York hair salon
MoMA Film Plus Membership Trailer

Type-in-motion advertising spot for the MoMA Film theaters