Wir machen Stadt (We are creating the city)


Concept und creative direction: Brigitta Bungard
Design: Nele Vos, Brigitta Bungard
Copy writing: Daniela Waltz
Exhibition furniture design: Neubauen.design
Interface design and programming: Markus Lerner


Nominee for 'Designpreis Brandenburg' 2019

Wir machen Stadt (We are creating the city)

ProPotsdam, the main city-owned housing developer, asked us to create an exhibition in the foyer of their office building, to allow visitors insights into 20 years of their work for the city. Realizing the entrance hall needed a more encompassing redesign, we developed modular but lasting exhibition elements, that integrated well into the building's details and reflected the corporate identity in every thoughtful detail. A newly designed waiting area – upholstered in recycled fabric – includes a station to charge a mobile phone while waiting and fun facts about city housing as wall graphics. And a touch-display table gives visitors or press members an overview of over 200 housing projects city-wide.

ProPotsdam: Wir machen Stadt, Werkschau
ProPotsdam: Wir machen Stadt, Werkschau
ProPotsdam: Wir machen Stadt, Werkschau, Detail
ProPotsdam: Wir machen Stadt, Werkschau, Detail
ProPotsdam: Wir machen Stadt, Werkschau, Detail
ProPotsdam: Wir machen Stadt, Werkschau, Detail
ProPotsdam: Wir machen Stadt, Wartebereich mit Touch Tisch
ProPotsdam: Wir machen Stadt, Wandgrafik
ProPotsdam: Wir machen Stadt, Wandgrafik
ProPotsdam: Wir machen Stadt, Foyer Touch Tisch
ProPotsdam: Wir machen Stadt, Foyer Touch Tisch

A new custom Touchscreen-Table gives visitors an overview into the company's work, with more than 200 projects city-wide. It is often used at press events, while internally, its content management system structures the proper documentation of every finished project. It also signals respect toward employees, that their work is proudly displayed.

ProPotsdam: Wir machen Stadt, Foyer Touch Tisch