German Expressionism Exhibition


Developed at MoMA Design Studio.
Creative direction: Julia Hoffmann
Design: Brigitta Bungard, Jesse Reed
Production: Paulette Guigere
Photos: Martin Seck


Communication Arts: Design Annual 52, 2012
Type Directors Club: Typography Annual 33, 2012
Global SEGD Design Awards: Merit 2012
Print Magazine Regional Design Awards, 2012

German Expressionism Exhibition

Cutting the long exhibition title in half allowed the letters to be as impactful as possible across two wall-sections, but it also made perfect sense symbolically. The red color of the 'shift' was repeated on a central wall of the gallery interior, where it marked the event of World War One, a pivotal point in German Expressionism. The black letters were meticulously painted to look like an enlarged woodcut print.

MoMA German Expressionism Ausstellungstitel
MoMA German Expressionism Ausstellungstitel
MoMA German Expressionism Ausstellungstitel

Die große Titelschrift wirkt bei näherem Betrachten wir kopiert oder gedruckt – in Anlehnung an die schwarz-weissen Holzschnitt-Drucke, die nach dem Krieg unter den Künstlern entstanden. Die Schrift wurde per Malermaske direkt an die Wand gemalt.

MoMA German Expressionism Ausstellungstitel